Electronic music band FusedMarc concert at INTRO by Darius Jurevičius / Zaizras ©.

Sep 10, 2006

INTRO presented various arts from music to contemporary art exhibitions. Live music events accompanied by electronic sounds and combined with visuals were no exception.

Fusedmarc is a Lithuanian electronic band from Vilnius, Lithuania. The band consists of lead vocalist Viktorija Ivanovskaja, multi-instrumentalist Denis Zujev, visual designer Stasys Žak (to name a few) and many other performing artists. They made to represent Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, with the song "Rain of Revolution".

Photographer Darius Jurevičius / Zaizras is active in capturing events and cityscapes, premier slam poetry performer as well as leading a poetic avantgarde band Vaibai Ore.

The photographer was active in documenting INTRO activities, the FusedMarc was playing at several gigs and festivals at INTRO.

© Darius Jurevičius